Before writing anything about FM channels I must say that the views expressed are only my personal views. So, in case I make any ‘bad’ comment about any person or Organization, please don’t take it seriously. If you see information is wrong, kindly forgive me.
Everybody call FM as Frequency Modulations but I personally call it as Frequently Music. When I tune on to my radio, I listen to channels like Red FM (93.5), Radio Mirchi (98.3) ,Amar 106.2 FM and Power 107.8 FM --- these four channels. Before these four channels there was only one FM channel aired by GOVT. which is now divided into FM Rainbow and FM Gold. After these four channels, Big FM and 91.9 Friends FM came.
Red FM focuses on Hindi songs mainly, Redio Mirchi (98.3) focuses on Bengali and Hindi songs mainly , Amar 106.2 FM generally plays Bengali songs and Power 107.8 FM plays Hindi and English songs. Big and Friends FM play all there laguages songs but no so much hit songs I suppose. I love to listen the English music programme at FM Rainbow channel.
RJs :- RJ means Radio Jockey. I like Mousumi, Rehan , Praveen, Vineet of Red FM; Mir, Arnabi, Shri, Neel and Rupsa of Radio Mirchi; Samik, Biswajit, Brooklyn (Don't be scared of her; she has no relation with the storyline of the film ' Vampire of Brooklyn ') of Amar FM; Sanjiv/b Tiwari, Sonia, Arvind, Shekhar, Rai, Ishrat of Power FM; Rakesh, Pragya, Nilanjana of Friends. Rest all Rj’s are very god and are doing a fine job.
Celebrity RJ’s : - Friends are the only channel which is hosting many popular actors and singers as RJs like Soumitra Chatterjee, Srikanta Acharya, Raghab/v Chattopadhyay, Lopamudra Mitra, No/achiketa (Gazal songs ), Anjan Dutta (Jibonmukhi songs) and Rupam Islam ( Rock songs/ bands). Mir of Radio ‘Mir’-chi is another RJ sensation who can be regarded as a RJ celebrity.
Importance of RJ’s : - I think RJs are very important because they deal with people’s minds or their psychological problems, give them important suggestions/ solutions, shares knowledge like City-life, City based events and Current national and international affairs. Their speaking style is very smart and attractive and listeners just love to speak to them over phone.
Websites and Emails: - I don’t know what are other FM’s websites but I know Power FM’s URL :---
Log on to this site and enjoy touch of music.
If you want to email to any RJ of radio mirchi, then the syntax is --RJ+@radiomirchi.com. Examples are : - rjmir@radiomirchi.com, rjarnabi@radiomirchi.com etc.
Catchy Captions : - Many FM channels have various catchy caption for the consumer awareness and promotion of their brands. Like, Power FM has – ‘All Hits All Day’; Red FM has – ‘Bajate Raho’; Radio Mirchi has – ‘It’s Hot’ and ‘Your Khushi Ka Partner’ ; Big FM has – ‘Shono Shonao, Life Jomao’; Friends FM has – ‘Bondhu Tomar Jonno’
Before writing anything about FM channels I must say that the views expressed are only my personal views. So, in case I make any ‘bad’ comment about any person or Organization, please don’t take it seriously. If you see information is wrong, kindly forgive me.
Everybody call FM as Frequency Modulations but I personally call it as Frequently Music. When I tune on to my radio, I listen to channels like Red FM (93.5), Radio Mirchi (98.3) ,Amar 106.2 FM and Power 107.8 FM --- these four channels. Before these four channels there was only one FM channel aired by GOVT. which is now divided into FM Rainbow and FM Gold. After these four channels, Big FM and 91.9 Friends FM came.
Red FM focuses on Hindi songs mainly, Redio Mirchi (98.3) focuses on Bengali and Hindi songs mainly , Amar 106.2 FM generally plays Bengali songs and Power 107.8 FM plays Hindi and English songs. Big and Friends FM play all there laguages songs but no so much hit songs I suppose. I love to listen the English music programme at FM Rainbow channel.
RJs :- RJ means Radio Jockey. I like Mousumi, Rehan , Praveen, Vineet of Red FM; Mir, Arnabi, Shri, Neel and Rupsa of Radio Mirchi; Samik, Biswajit, Brooklyn (Don't be scared of her; she has no relation with the storyline of the film ' Vampire of Brooklyn ') of Amar FM; Sanjiv/b Tiwari, Sonia, Arvind, Shekhar, Rai, Ishrat of Power FM; Rakesh, Pragya, Nilanjana of Friends. Rest all Rj’s are very god and are doing a fine job.
Celebrity RJ’s : - Friends are the only channel which is hosting many popular actors and singers as RJs like Soumitra Chatterjee, Srikanta Acharya, Raghab/v Chattopadhyay, Lopamudra Mitra, No/achiketa (Gazal songs ), Anjan Dutta (Jibonmukhi songs) and Rupam Islam ( Rock songs/ bands). Mir of Radio ‘Mir’-chi is another RJ sensation who can be regarded as a RJ celebrity.
Importance of RJ’s : - I think RJs are very important because they deal with people’s minds or their psychological problems, give them important suggestions/ solutions, shares knowledge like City-life, City based events and Current national and international affairs. Their speaking style is very smart and attractive and listeners just love to speak to them over phone.
Websites and Emails: - I don’t know what are other FM’s websites but I know Power FM’s URL :---
Log on to this site and enjoy touch of music.
If you want to email to any RJ of radio mirchi, then the syntax is --RJ+
Catchy Captions : - Many FM channels have various catchy caption for the consumer awareness and promotion of their brands. Like, Power FM has – ‘All Hits All Day’; Red FM has – ‘Bajate Raho’; Radio Mirchi has – ‘It’s Hot’ and ‘Your Khushi Ka Partner’ ; Big FM has – ‘Shono Shonao, Life Jomao’; Friends FM has – ‘Bondhu Tomar Jonno’
Programmes for Party Animals : - For those guys who like to spend their nights at city’s night clubs, some FM channels conduct programmes like ‘Saturday Nights Live’ on every weekends where songs like played in the same manner as that is done in night clubs.
Whose songs I like personally : -
Bengali : - Rupankar, Srikanta Acharya, Anjan Dutta, Lopamudra Mitra, Manomoy Bhattacharya, Hoimonti Shukla, Indrani Sen, Shampa Kundu, Raghab/v, Nachiketa, Kabir Suman, Saikat Mitra,other general singers, and all Bangla bands mainly Chandrabindu, Bhumi, Fossils, Dohar, Cactus, Lakkhichara etc.
Hindi : - Lucky Ali, Abhijit, Shaan, Kunal Ganjawala, Sonu Nigam, Adnan Swami and all others and some Indian and Pakistani bands.
English : - Not specifically anybody.
All the above singers songs are frequently played on the FM channels.
Songs played on request : - The listeners are given the opportunity to send their request for songs by SMSes and emails. Based on their request, the particular songs are played.
Some FM channels also give their listeners to vote for their favourite songs to play them.
Jokes : - Although all FM channels are not sources of funny hilarious comedy shows, but the RJs conducting the programmes continuously share funny talks with listeners to make the programmes thoroughly enjoyable.
Messages and Dedications : - the RJs allow the listeners come up with their viewpoint on any debatable issue with their SMS text messages. In certain other programmes, lovers and well wishers are given option to dedicate songs or personal quotes to their beloved ones.
Sexiest FM Channel :- It's certainly Big FM. In the programme of 'Kelenkari', RJ Mou gives adult topics and what is more interesting is women participants / callers tell their own sex life in a very casual manner!
Best RJ(s) :- Among male RJs my favourites are RJ Mir, Rehan, Rakesh etc. Among females, the top choices would be Pragya, Arnabi, Sonya etc. Best pair of RJs conducting programmes will be Mir & Arnabi, Rakesh & Pragya and Rakesh & Rehan ( Dr. Razi and Dr. Kazi ).
Future of FM Channels : - Perhaps by the year 2050, there will be 500 local FM channels aired on Radio. And if we suppose that number of RJs working at that time will be 15 per FM channel, then there will be nearly 500 * 15 = 75000 RJs working in local FM channels! People will be totally confused about which programme to listen and which one to neglect. As for now, I can say, Jadavpur University, in association with Webel Mediatronics, is launching a new FM channel. According to them, it will be an educational air channel. Its aim will be to try to form a social community on air.
My message towards all the RJs : -
Those ( i.e. the RJs) who are playing beautiful songs day by day, nurturing our minds by their intellectual talks, please pay them a handsome salary such that they get more motivated to do their job.
If anybody has any comment in favour of / against this article please write to me at biswajit20793@gmail.com.
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Future of FM Channels : - Perhaps by the year 2050, there will be 500 local FM channels aired on Radio. And if we suppose that number of RJs working at that time will be 15 per FM channel, then there will be nearly 500 * 15 = 75000 RJs working in local FM channels! People will be totally confused about which programme to listen and which one to neglect. As for now, I can say, Jadavpur University, in association with Webel Mediatronics, is launching a new FM channel. According to them, it will be an educational air channel. Its aim will be to try to form a social community on air.
My message towards all the RJs : -
Those ( i.e. the RJs) who are playing beautiful songs day by day, nurturing our minds by their intellectual talks, please pay them a handsome salary such that they get more motivated to do their job.
If anybody has any comment in favour of / against this article please write to me at biswajit20793@gmail.com.
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